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The Path with Purpose

Updated: Apr 12

Many trails lay before you, it's up to you to choose which path to follow. Are you riding the trail that will help fulfill your purpose? If not, why?

Do you ever wonder where you are going? I do all the time! Sometimes I'm driving and end up on autopilot...yup, I've driven to work and then realized that wasn't where I was going!! Or I have to set a riding tracker on a trail ride because I don't know where I am after taking the wrong trail. All because I'm not paying attention to where I'm going or to where I am! It's a good thing I have GPS and trackers to get me back on track. But if I just stayed present and aware then I wouldn't miss the trail I was on and I would continue to stay on the right path.

Why do we go on a trail ride? Is it to get somewhere? Sometimes, but usually our rides just take us back to where we started. We trail ride to enjoy the ride and see the beautiful world around us on the way. We ride to spend quality time with our friends, to connect with our horse, to reconnect with nature, and to reconnect with ourselves.

Isn't that the perspective we should have about our lives? Just think about it, we aren't on the trail ride of life to get to the destination at the end!! The important parts of our lives are the amazing experiences we have throughout our lives, the family and friends that we share our lives with, our environment and all that it offers to us, and finding our purpose in this world to live a fulfilled life. So why are we always so eager to get to the next destination or reach the next goal? We miss all the amazing things that happen on our way to get where we are going or to accomplish our goals. I want to enjoy my life like I enjoy trail riding. When I get lost I'll find my way back to the trail but might just find some unexpected things in the places I didn't expect to find along the way.

How do we know if we chose the right path? We get to choose which trail we take. Staying present and being mindful of where we are and why we are there can help us figure out what path we should take. As we start a new year, let's take the time to think about what purpose drives our choices on what path to follow and to take in the amazing experiences along the way.

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